Monday, June 20, 2011

Week 1: Arriving in Prague, The Old Town, Cheap and Amazing Beer!!!

From nervous to excited... from [somewhat] getting lost to finding our way... from sunny to rain... from exhausted to energized... from bored to amazed... There were just tons of mixed feelings on my first day here in Prague... But man, oh man, ain't this an amazing city or WHAT?!

I have been waiting for this day for a long time, maybe even before applying to this study abroad program. Now it finally came true, having the privileged to finally be here, I am simply in AWE!

Arriving in Paris:
The adventure began by leaving Seattle at around 1 pm. I also have the honor to travel with some truly amazing people like Lisa, Yas, and Michelle from all the way back in Seattle through Paris and finally Prague. The airport in Paris was so big that we had to walk about 1 hour to go to our next gate to Prague. Unfortunately, I was not able to take some pics because we only had two hours to get from arrival gate, through customs, and to our gate to Prague, and the enormity of the airport of course.

Getting ready to leave to Paris.
Arrived in Paris.

Arriving in Prague:
It was only about a one hour and about 40 min flight from Paris to Prague. Prague is definitely one of the most beautiful city in the world. HANDS DOWN!!!

Just arrived in Prague!!!

Once we arrived in Prague, we met up with Maggie and Andrea and found our apartments using the subway train. Right after I got dropped off at my apartment, at Praha 2 Karlo Namesti 15, I met Skylar and he gave me the tour of the apartment right away! I live with 4 other amazing people... Trev, Mike, Matt, and Sky. Here are some pictures of our crib:

Skylar's side of the bedroom.

Study place in my bedroom.

The tram stops just in front of our apartment. This was taken just outside of our window.

Our little study place. Where the internet works best.

Hallway of the apartment.

Trev, Mike, and Matt live here.

Where the party is at. The hangout room and the nap couch.

View from outside the window.

The tram stop. And also the nice Karlovo Namesti Park is just across from our apartment. 

First week in Prague: 
Prague is so amazing, and there are just so many things to say about them. However, one of the best thing to say about Prague is that beer is so cheap here. Water even costs more than beer at some restaurant. Prague is also know for brewing one of the finest beer in all Europe even the world.

Greg and I are having a good ol' time at Paddy's, one of our favorite bar here in Prague.

Also there are so many old buildings and the center of this is called, the Old Town. Old Town is just about a 15-minute walk from my apartment, Karlovo Namesti, but of course you could always take the tram there. Old Town is one of the most historical place in Prague. One of the coolest thing about Old Town is its famous Astronomical Clock. The clock is tall and massive stands just right off of the Old Town square.

View from the front.

View from the side.

The other most historical places is the Prague Castle, which consists massive Gothic-type churches known as cathedral and also Romanesque-type (older type) which is know as basilica. The gothic church is the most massive church I have ever seen in my entire life!!! And also the most beautiful!!!

Would you look at that?!

View from the bottom up.

View from the side.

View from the front gate.

View from the center of the cathedral.

First weekend in Prague:
The first weekend in Prague was spent paddle boating on the river just outside of the Prague Castle. It is right next to the one and only Charles Bridge, the main bridge that takes you from Old Town square directly to the Prague Castle. What better way to spend our afternoon, paddle boating and drinking beer in the sun! It only cost us about 200CZK/crown per boat for every hour, which is about $12/hour. So it was not bad considering that we took many amazing pictures just from the river outside of the Prague Castle.

On this boat: Ryan, Michelle, Jessica, and Daisy

That's me, just lounging on the back of the paddle boat enjoying the view. Hehe...

Nothing better than drinking beer out in the sun...

... to sum up a great first week in Prague.

Mike, "What is that building?" There are so many random ancient and cool looking buildings in Prague, and that is one of them.

Jane and Trevor, having a good time!

That's the view of the entrance to Charles Bridge, and just on the right is the Municipal Library.

Matt and Yas (on the "date" boat) haha... sorry for the blur.

On this boat: Lisa, Maggie, Andrea, and of course Mr. Skylar  Johnson, lounging back and enjoying the view.

That is Charles Bridge. The way to Old Town Square would be to the right and the Prague Castle would be to the left.

First week of Prague has been so full of adventures yet also busy. What I mean by busy is that, yes we are here on a study abroad program, we are starting to have to read articles and books everyday and essays to write every week. Oh man, but I am not complaining, rather I am so grateful to be able to study and live in one of the beautiful cities in the world! What a blessing!


  1. This is awesome! I am so happy that you are safe and sound and enjoying your time. cant wait to read more.

  2. Thanks Xena! The next blog should be coming up soon!
