Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Leaving the Good Ol' USA!

Hey guys,

On June 10th, 2011, I will leave the U.S. for THE trip of my life! As many of you know (or if you don't know) that I will be leaving for Prague, Czech Republic to study abroad this summer for two months. The program will go from June 13th until August 10th, but I will fly back on the 12th of August.

This trip is such a big deal to me because I have never been to Europe before therefore this creates a mix feeling of nervous and excitement at the same time!!! Oh boy, you have no idea how excited I am though. This will be such a crazy and amazing experience. I will be visiting one of the most beautiful cities in the whole wide world!

This Prague study abroad program also consists of four other international field trips: 1.) Berlin, Germany 2.) Vienna, Austria 3.) Krakow, Poland 4.) Budapest, Hungary. So not only I will experience the beauty of Prague but also these four other cities! The classes run from Monday through Thursday from approximately at 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. local time This means that there will be a three-day weekend every week! The classes are also being taught by UW Professors in English.

We will be living in an apartment and nearby a town center. I do not know what the place looks like yet, but as soon as I know, I will take a picture of it and post it here on my blog.

I will be taking a lot of pictures and recording my daily adventures and probably will be blogging about once a week, maybe twice depending on how much time I have :)

So yeah send your prayers please and wish me luck as I will be leaving for Prague in a little more than a week from today!


Berty Mandagie


  1. Hallo Adek,,, jgn lupa selalu berdoa dan mengucap syukur ya... papah dan mamah selalu berdoa buat adek,, GBU

  2. Berty my dear friend! I hope you have an amazing time in Prague. You deserve this. Cant wait to hear your adventures. :)

  3. Thank you Xena!!! I will have so much fun and will try to post as much as possible!!! :D

  4. Selamat datang di Praha yo dek... mama tunggu cerita menariknya dan foto fotonya ya... love you (mama)
